Water based spot & stain remover- A butyl cleaner that works very satisfactory when used for cleaning beverage, pet stains, etc. Safe, non-toxic and deodorizes as it cleans. May be used as a spot remover for carpets, drapes, upholstery and clothing without fear of discoloration. USDA C1.
Water based spot & stain remover- A butyl cleaner that works very satisfactory when used for cleaning beverage, pet stains, etc. Safe, non-toxic and deodorizes as it cleans. May be used as a spot remover for carpets, drapes, upholstery and clothing without fear of discoloration. USDA C1.
Water based spot & stain remover- A butyl cleaner that works very satisfactory when used for cleaning beverage, pet stains, etc. Safe, non-toxic and deodorizes as it cleans. May be used as a spot remover for carpets, drapes, upholstery and clothing without fear of discoloration. USDA C1.
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Manufacturer Part NumberINCREDIBLE-CS
SupplierRite-Kem Inc
GSA Contract Number47QSWA18D005X
BPA Number47QSHA19A000V
AbilityOne ProductNo
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Biopreferred ProductNo
TAA CompliantNo
Free Shipping - 48 Cont StatesNo